TLG is all of me. It's my best foot forward as a writer, a storyteller, and a think innovator. There are no rules with TLG. It's a medium, an offbeat editorial discussing "what if" solutions, blunt thoughts everyone is thinking but is too afraid to say, ideas, and stories that relate to how millennials communicate. Each article is a full experience with writing, music, and images; much like a story book.

TLG is an ad for the future.

TLG is 100% written, designed, and dreamt up by Mel.

The Last Generation is a culture. A state of mind.

The Beginning

It's something I felt, it was in me for years, the Last Generation is referred to in the bible as "the end." In 2014, I wrote about the Last Generation being a particular group of people who are considered millennials, but don't identify as them. Millennial is also a state of mind and a word companies use to refer to themselves as having a future. If a millennial works for you, then you have a future, but a millennial is someone who was born in a time when real human communication was no longer needed. If you're almost 30 or in your earlier 30's today, you are not a millennial, you are part of The Last Generation. You were the last to learn to write with their hands because they had to, the last to imagine a person or place before googling it, the last to be told college would make your dreams come true, the last to be born without technology, and the first to experience it. 

We used to look at the youth for the future, but now we must look to the past. We've developed a new language with emojis that has not been studied since cavemen days. We swipe away the details of people we'd like to date. All friendships seem to exist on our phones. Everyone wants to be Jesus and have a million followers because a hundred is no longer enough. We're addicted to likes. We consume information at a rate that has never been consumed before and we have no idea how it will effect our brains when we're old. AI has already taken over. We are artificially intelligent. Our phones tell us how to look, who to date, where to go, what to eat, who to like, who to follow, what's trending, what's normal  - it's all fucked up and TLG is a place to look deep into what's really going on and find a moral to every story, much like a children's book. It's a place for the no longer innocent to search for real magic and the ghost of their youth and dreams.

Are you still dreaming?


Each article is a full experience that manipulates feelings thought-out the story with music, moving images, drawings, the change from digital text to handwriting, video, and a good story. The goal is to make a long read feel like a short storybook read. How do you bring the storybook to the internet? TLG does it and it's the only place like it - it's a very special place.

TLG Runs non-sponsored ads that always have a place on culture, like this one.


Guaranteed to et a bigger butt!


TLG is just at it's birth. Writing and story and music is my everything. It's just magic and I'll never stop hustling at it. #dyetrying

Please visit it. Read it. Share it. It's the only way it will grow.